Phone : (+91) 9111 80 4000


Refund Policy

Refund Policy At equipU infoserve, we are committed to providing high-quality services to our customers. However, we understand that there may be instances where a refund is necessary. This refund policy outlines the terms and conditions under which refunds will be granted.
Refund Period equipU infoserve offers a 10-day refund period from the date of purchase or subscription. During this time, customers may request a full refund for any reason.
Refund Eligibility To be eligible for a refund, the customer must meet the following criteria:
The request for a refund must be made within the 10-day refund period. The customer must not have used or accessed the services for more than 10% of the total subscription period. The customer must not have violated any of the terms and conditions of the service. Refund Process To request a refund, customers should contact our customer support team at The customer support team will review the request and process the refund within 5 business days.
Refunds will be issued in the original form of payment. If the payment was made by credit card, the refund will be credited back to the same card. If the payment was made by other means, the refund will be issued by check or electronic transfer.
Certain services or products may be subject to different refund policies, which will be clearly communicated to the customer at the time of purchase. Additionally, refunds may be denied if the customer has engaged in fraudulent or abusive behavior.
If you have any questions or concerns about our refund policy, please don't hesitate to contact our customer support team.

Our Services

Fee Management System (Simple and Easy to Use)

Website designing and Maintenance

PVC ID Cards

School Diaries and other Stationary

Faculty Development Program

Bulk SmS Facility

ISO Standard Implementation

Insurance Services

what our client says about us?


Fables Template

Co-Founder, Director

Fables Template

MD IMRAN - Co-Founder, Director

An experienced technical hands with an experience of over a decade. He is also Microsoft certified technology specialist. Being Imraan in Team means a good visionary technical head with our team as he has served many clients of national and international importance. He also heads our team of designers and benefits them with his experience. With a strong and sound exposure and in field of web- development and software development, he happens to be an asset to our company.

Interested to become a reseller of "equip-U"

equipU invites proposal for working as a reseller of us. if you are interested to start a business as reseller please contact us.

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